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    Product updates, news, tutorials, integrations, and deep dives.


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    You Do the Math: Fine Tuning Multimodal Models (CLIP) to Match Cartoon Images to Joke Captions
    Learn how to fine tune multimodal models like CLIP to match images to text captions.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Sep 12, 20248 min read
    Tutorial: Scalable and Distributed ML Workflows with DVC and Ray on AWS (Part 2)
    Need to setup DVC to work with Ray Cluster on AWS? This tutorial has you covered!
    • Mikhail Rozhkov
    • Mar 13, 202416 min read
    Tutorial: Scalable and Distributed ML Workflows with DVC and Ray (Part 1)
    This tutorial introduces you to integrating DVC (Data Version Control) with Ray, turning them into your go-to toolkit for creating automated, scalable, and distributed ML pipelines.
    • Mikhail Rozhkov
    • Mar 12, 202415 min read
    The DVC 3.0 Stack: Beyond the Command Line
    DVC 3.0 introduces a stack of tools outside the command line to bring it closer to where you work (in code, IDE, web) while also focusing on DVC fundamentals.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Jun 14, 20234 min read
    Organize Your Storage with DVC Cloud Versioning
    DVC cloud versioning makes it easy to take full advantage of your cloud provider’s built-in versioning capabilities.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Feb 22, 20235 min read


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    You Do the Math: Fine Tuning Multimodal Models (CLIP) to Match Cartoon Images to Joke Captions
    Learn how to fine tune multimodal models like CLIP to match images to text captions.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Sep 12, 20248 min read
    Enforcing JSON Outputs in Commercial LLMs
    The results of our tests on the structured outputs of Google Gemini Pro, Anthropic Claude, and OpenAI GPT. DataChain used for evaluation.
    • Daniel Kharitonov
    • Sep 06, 202410 min read
    Dataset Factory - A Toolchain for Generative Computer Vision Datasets
    Learn about our latest approach to mastering your Unstructured Data and metadata.
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Mar 25, 20241 min read
    Tutorial: Scalable and Distributed ML Workflows with DVC and Ray on AWS (Part 2)
    Need to setup DVC to work with Ray Cluster on AWS? This tutorial has you covered!
    • Mikhail Rozhkov
    • Mar 13, 202416 min read
    Tutorial: Scalable and Distributed ML Workflows with DVC and Ray (Part 1)
    This tutorial introduces you to integrating DVC (Data Version Control) with Ray, turning them into your go-to toolkit for creating automated, scalable, and distributed ML pipelines.
    • Mikhail Rozhkov
    • Mar 12, 202415 min read

    DVC Studio

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    Automate Your ML Pipeline: Combining Airflow, DVC, and CML for a Seamless Batch Scoring Experience
    This tutorial shows you how to supercharge your batch scoring workflow by harnessing the power of Aiflow, DVC and CML.
    • Mikhail Rozhkov
    • Mar 22, 202310 min read
    Real-time visualization of Computer Vision model training with DVC and Iterative Studio
    Save time and resources by tracking your deep learning experiments in real-time with DVC and Iterative Studio.
    • Maxim Shmakov
    • Feb 13, 20234 min read
    December '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! Great content from the Community, including a DVC extension for VS Code tutorial, sweet MLOps guide, framework agnostic ml pipeline with DVC and non-Python apps to integrate ML models with MLEM. Welcome to December!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Dec 16, 20226 min read
    Turn Your Favorite IDE into a Full Machine Learning Experimentation Platform
    DVC extension enables you to run, track and manage ML experiments without leaving VS Code.
    • Tapa Dipti Sitaula
    • Nov 16, 20232 min read
    The DVC 3.0 Stack: Beyond the Command Line
    DVC 3.0 introduces a stack of tools outside the command line to bring it closer to where you work (in code, IDE, web) while also focusing on DVC fundamentals.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Jun 14, 20234 min read
    Instant Experiment Tracking: Just Add DVC!
    Experiment tracking in DVC with a few lines of Python.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Dec 15, 20223 min read