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    Iterative Blog

    Find here DataChain and DVC news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways, deep dive into machine learning workflows from data versioning and processing to model productionization.

    September '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! Food for thought on Meta's Wikipedia fact checker and the EU AI Act, creating an artifact registry with GTO, MLOps course materials from DTU, a new O'Reilly course, and more! Welcome to September!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Sep 19, 202212 min read
    CML Cloud Runners for Model Training in Bitbucket Pipelines
    Use CML from a Bitbucket pipeline to provision an AWS EC2 instance and (re)train a machine learning model.
    • Rob de Wit
    • Sep 06, 20225 min read
    August '22 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month: explaining DVC versioning mechanism, some tricks with pipelines and CML action, visualizing plots in VS Code extension.
    • Gema Parreno
    • Aug 30, 20225 min read
    August '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! Phenomenal new posdcast, DVC with MinIO, Semantic similarity, DVC for Kaggle, new Model Registry in Studio, first Iterative Internal Hackathon and more! Welcome to August!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Aug 16, 20228 min read
    Git-backed Machine Learning Model Registry to bring order to chaos
    🚀 As Machine Learning projects and teams grow, keeping track of all the models and their production status gets increasingly complex. Iterative Studio's Git-backed Model Registry solves this.
    • Tapa Dipti Sitaula
    • Jul 26, 20224 min read
    July '22 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month: deploying models MLEM, DVC data and remotes, DVC stages and plots, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Jul 26, 20224 min read
    Serving Machine Learning Models with MLEM
    Once you have a machine learning model that's ready for production, getting it out can be complicated. In this tutorial, we're going to use MLEM to deploy a model as a web API.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Jul 19, 20225 min read
    July '22 Heartbeat
    What a couple months it's been! This month you will find lots that's happening in IRL conferences again and in case you missed it, we've had some new, exciting releases! In addtion you'll find a guide to migrate from Git-LFS to DVC, the first Community piece on MLEM, and demo videos. Welcome to July!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Jul 18, 20229 min read
    Syncing Data to GCP Storage Buckets
    We're going to set up a GCP storage bucket remote in a DVC project.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Jul 06, 20224 min read