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    Iterative Blog

    Find here DataChain and DVC news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways, deep dive into machine learning workflows from data versioning and processing to model productionization.

    June '22 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC and CML communities. This month: working with the DVC cache, DVC data and remotes, using DVC programmatically, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Jun 29, 20225 min read
    Turn Visual Studio Code into a machine learning experimentation platform with the DVC extension
    Today we are releasing the DVC extension, which brings a full ML experimentation platform to Visual Studio Code.
    • Rob de Wit
    • Jun 14, 20223 min read
    Syncing Data to Azure Blob Storage
    We're going to set up an Azure Blob Storage remote in a DVC project.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Jun 13, 20224 min read
    Productionize your models with MLEM in a Git-native way
    Introducing MLEM - one tool to run your models anywhere.
    • Alexander Guschin
    • Jun 01, 20225 min read
    Syncing Data to AWS S3
    We're going to set up an AWS S3 remote in a DVC project.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • May 31, 20223 min read
    May '22 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC and CML communities. This month: working with CML and GCP, DVC data and remotes, DVC pipelines and setups, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • May 26, 20223 min read
    Moving Local Experiments to the Cloud with Terraform Provider Iterative (TPI) and Docker
    Tutorial for easily running experiments in the cloud with the help of Terraform Provider Iterative (TPI) and Docker.
    • Casper da Costa-Luis
    • May 24, 20223 min read
    May '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! You will find a link to Chip Huyen's new book, great guides and frameworks on the iterative nature of AI, tons of company news, Dmitry on TFIR, beyond machine learning use cases and more! Welcome to May!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • May 16, 20228 min read
    Moving Local Experiments to the Cloud with Terraform Provider Iterative (TPI)
    Tutorial for easily moving a local ML experiment to a remote cloud machine with the help of Terraform Provider Iterative (TPI).
    • Maria Khalusova
    • May 12, 20227 min read