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    Iterative Blog

    Find here DataChain and DVC news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways, deep dive into machine learning workflows from data versioning and processing to model productionization.

    Instant Experiment Tracking: Just Add DVC!
    Experiment tracking in DVC with a few lines of Python.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Dec 15, 20223 min read
    Building a GitOps ML Model Registry with DVC and GTO
    Got your data and model versioning down? ✅ Learn how to take your projects to the next level by creating a model registry right in your project's Git repo
    • Alexander Guschin
    • Dec 07, 20229 min read
    November '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! NLP will have a bigger impact than Computer vision? WDYT? Dmitry speaks at Github Universe, MLEM new deployment features, SOC 2 Type 1 compliance, more events, and great Community content. Welcome to November!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Nov 18, 20228 min read
    Iterative Achieves SOC 2 Type 1 Compliance
    We are proud to announce our SOC 2 Type 1 compliance today. Here we reveal our top 5 learnings from the process.
    • Guro Bokum
    • Nov 08, 20224 min read
    Deploy ML models to k8s and SageMaker with a single line of code
    MLEM takes the evil configs out of Kubernetes and SageMaker to make your life easier just in time for Halloween 🎃
    • Alexander Guschin
    • Oct 31, 20223 min read
    From Jupyter Notebook to DVC pipeline for reproducible ML experiments
    In this guide we will take a Jupyter Notebook and use Papermill to turn it into a simple, one-stage DVC pipeline.
    • Rob de Wit
    • Oct 24, 20229 min read
    October '22 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! Andrew Ng on Democratizing AI with a Data Centric approach, White House Blueprint for AI Bill of Rights, loads of content from the community, Nadia Nahar Meetup video and more! Welcome to October!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Oct 20, 20226 min read
    Iterative x Hacktoberfest 2022
    Hacktoberfest is already started and waiting for new contributors!
    • Mert Bozkir
    • Oct 11, 20222 min read
    DVC and Hydra integration
    Use Hydra and DVC in the same project and benefit from the best of both tools.
    • David de la Iglesia
    • Oct 04, 20223 min read