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    Enforcing JSON Outputs in Commercial LLMs
    The results of our tests on the structured outputs of Google Gemini Pro, Anthropic Claude, and OpenAI GPT. DataChain used for evaluation.
    • Daniel Kharitonov
    • Sep 06, 202410 min read
    Leveraging LLMs in Chatbots: The DVC Approach
    Read how DVC can optimize the development process for chatbots built on Large Language Models.
    • Ryan Turner
    • Sep 25, 20236 min read
    Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with a Production-Grade Pipeline
    This post describes a production ML pipeline for fine-tuning large language models using DVC, SkyPilot, HuggingFace Transformers, and quantization techniques.
    • Alex Kim
    • Sep 08, 202310 min read