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    Iterative Blog

    Find here DataChain and DVC news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways, deep dive into machine learning workflows from data versioning and processing to model productionization.

    Don't Just Track Your ML Experiments, Version Them
    ML experiment versioning brings together the benefits of traditional code versioning and modern day experiment tracking, super charging your ability to reproduce and iterate on your work.
    • Dave Berenbaum
    • Dec 07, 20214 min read
    November '21 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC and CML community. This month: CML runners, working with data, DVC Studio, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Nov 30, 20214 min read
    November '21 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! You will find great tutorials and workflows from the Community, Apache Airflow Integration, new CML docs, DVC en Español, news from the team, update on the coming online course, and more! 😅
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Nov 17, 20217 min read
    October '21 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month: DVC stages, working with outputs, DVC API, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Oct 28, 20215 min read
    October '21 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! The word of the month is workflows! Checkout how Community members improve their workflows with DVC and CML. Find out news from the team, new learning opportunities, and more!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Oct 15, 20217 min read
    Adding Data to Build a More Generic Model
    You can easily make changes to your dataset using DVC to handle data versioning. This will let you extend your models to handle more generic data.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Oct 05, 20217 min read
    September '21 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC and CML communities. This month: data registries, working with DVC remotes, queued experiments, and more.
    • Milecia McGregor
    • Sep 30, 20212 min read
    Easy Stuctural Refactors to Python Source Code
    Simple, hassle-free, dependency-free, AST based source code refactoring toolkit.
    • Batuhan Taskaya
    • Sep 24, 20212 min read
    September'21 Heartbeat
    Monthly updates are here! Awesome new tutorials and guides from the Community, cat's out of the bag on VS Code extension, doc updates, DVC + Streamlit Meetup video, and more!
    • Jeny De Figueiredo
    • Sep 14, 20214 min read