Tutorial: Scalable and Distributed ML Workflows with DVC and Ray on AWS (Part 2)

In part 2 of the tutorial on DVC with Ray.io, you will learn how to set up a Ray Cluster on AWS to run cloud-based distributed computing with focus on managing increased complexity and leveraging cloud infrastructure to maximize the efficiency and performance of your ML experiments.

  • Mikhail Rozhkov
    Dave Berenbaum
  • March 13, 2024 β€’ 16 min read
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Ray + DVC integration example

In Part 1 of the tutorial, we explored the basics of setting up and integrating DVC with Ray for distributed machine learning workflows. By leveraging Ray's distributed computing capabilities and DVC's data version control, we establish a robust framework for managing complex ML experiments. This combination allows for enhanced scalability, reproducibility, and collaboration in ML projects.

In Part 2, we extend the solution to a Ray Cluster on AWS, demonstrating how to adapt the setup for cloud-based distributed computing. This part involves configuring AWS resources, deploying Ray clusters in the cloud, and running DVC-managed pipelines at scale.

We would like to express our gratitude to Andreas Schuh from HeartFlow for his contribution to this solution and for providing ideas and feedback for the blog posts. 🀝

Table of Contents

πŸ› οΈΒ Design Scalable ML Experiments with DVC and Ray

Moving from a local setup to deploying a multi-node Ray Cluster on AWS marks a significant shift, bringing forth a range of challenges that necessitate careful consideration. This section dives deep into these intricacies, shedding light on the hurdles encountered when scaling ML workflows to the cloud. We aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of these challenges and introduce refined solutions for a smooth integration of DVC and Ray in distributed environments. Through this exploration, we lay the groundwork for enhancing scalability, efficiency, and seamless operation of ML pipelines on a larger scale.

Goals for this section:

  • Identify and address the technical challenges of running DVC in a distributed Ray cluster.
  • Design an efficient and scalable integration of DVC and Ray in a distributed environment.
  • Propose solutions and best practices for overcoming these challenges.

1 - Technical challenges of running DVC in a distributed Ray Cluster

Let’s outline the scope of the target solution for the following discussion:

  • A Ray Cluster can add more worker nodes (auto-scaling) on AWS EC2.
  • All jobs are executed only on worker nodes (not on the head node) in Docker containers.
  • The user runs DVC pipelines and commits results on the head node (connected by SSH).
  • During the training, the user should be able to track metrics updated in live mode.
  • Data and models are stored in AWS S3.
  • Code and metadata are versioned with Git.

Challenges Challenges of running DVC in a distributed Ray Cluster

Let's review each challenge and its proposed solution:

  1. Auto-Scaling Worker Nodes:
    • Challenge: Ensuring seamless integration with Ray's auto-scaling feature to add or remove worker nodes based on workload demand dynamically.
    • Solution: Utilize Ray's built-in auto-scaling functionality, which allows for the dynamic addition and removal of worker nodes as needed.
  2. Execution on Worker Nodes Only:
    • Challenge: Ensuring that all jobs, including DVC pipelines and Ray tasks, are executed exclusively on worker nodes to optimize resource utilization. A specific part is a requirement to propagate DVC environment variables to all worker nodes.
    • Solution: Configure the Ray cluster to execute all tasks and jobs exclusively on worker nodes. Monitor the head node's load and use Ray's capabilities to distribute tasks evenly across the worker nodes.
  3. Live Metrics Tracking During Training
    • Challenge: Tracking real-time metrics during model training on distributed worker nodes with DVCLive.
    • Solution: Use DVCLive, a lightweight library compatible with DVC, to track real-time metrics during training sessions. Set up the pipeline to use DVCLive on the rank 0 worker only (as discussed above). Ensure that DVCLive, running on the rank 0 worker, has access to the DVC environment variables, including DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN, to log metrics to DVC Studio.
  4. Synchronize DVC pipeline artifacts with the head node.
    • Challenge: Ensuring that artifacts generated by DVC pipelines on worker nodes are consistently and efficiently synchronized back to the head node, where they can be versioned and committed to Git and DVC remote storage.
    • Solution: Setup
      • From Worker to S3: Set up Ray to use an AWS S3 bucket as a persistent storage to sync artifacts and checkpoints.
      • From S3 to Head Node: After the distributed pipeline is complete, pull the required artifacts and a model from the persistent storage on S3 to the project repository on the head node.

2 - Overview of the Solution Design

Here is a diagram that depicts the proposed solution:

Solution Design for DVC with Ray in Clouds Solution Design for DVC with Ray in Clouds

The diagram on the slide illustrates the integration of DVC (Data Version Control) and Ray in a cloud-based environment, specifically using AWS EC2 instances. Let's break down the key components and steps outlined in the diagram.

  1. Package project & Provision Ray Cluster: Provision of the Ray cluster on AWS EC2 instances before running experiments. There are a few ways to do this:
    • Set up cluster.yaml to copy files and directories from the local machine to the head and worker nodes.
    • Pull the code and dependencies from the Git repository or S3 bucket.
  2. Run dvc exp run: In a Ray cluster, the head node coordinates tasks and manages resources. It initiates the execution of parallel tasks on worker nodes. Connect to Ray cluster (head node), navigate to the project directory, and run dvc exp run.
  3. Publish Live Metrics to Studio:
    • During the execution of train.py, DVCLive handles logging metrics and parameters at Worker(rank=0) to avoid duplication.
    • DVC Studio visualizes metrics updates in live mode.
  4. Push DVCLive logs from a Worker Node to S3: The current version of the DVCLive logs metrics and artifacts to the filesystem on the rank 0 worker. To make them available in the project repository on the head node after the experiment is complete, a few modifications were made:
    • Use DVCLiveRayLogger as Live - extended with functionality to store metrics in s3
    • Modified Live.next_step() is responsible for uploading /results/dvclive dir to s3 bucket: s3://cse-cloud-version/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray/ every epoch.
  5. Pull DVCLive logs from S3 to the Head Node after completing the experiment.
  6. Commit & Push the DVC experiment artifacts and metadata updates.

3 - Discuss the solution design

Let’s summarise changes made in scripts to run in a distributed Ray cluster in the cloud:

  • Use a modified DVCLive logger to upload metrics to the S3 bucket every epoch.
  • Download DVCLive metrics to the DVC repository after the training is complete.

☝️ Use a modified DVCLive logger to upload metrics to the S3

A modified DVCLiveRayLogger inherits from Live and introduces the ability to push DVCLive metrics directly to an S3 bucket. This is necessary because the code is executed on remote workers, and DVCLive can’t log metrics and artifacts directly to the DVC repository.

class DVCLiveRayLogger(Live):
    def __init__(self, bucket_name, s3_directory, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bucket_name = bucket_name
        self.s3_directory = s3_directory

    def next_step(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().next_step(*args, **kwargs)

        print("\nDVCLiveLogger: Push DVCLive metrics to S3")
        upload_to_s3(self.dir, self.bucket_name, self.s3_directory,)
  • By pushing DVCLive directory to S3, teams can easily share, access, and analyze training progress from anywhere without relying on local file systems.

☝️ Download DVCLive metrics to the DVC repository after the training is complete

Live object instance created from DVCLiveRayLogger behaves the same way as the original DVCLive. There are a few changes in the configuration:

  • Set dir="results/dvclive" to ensure that after the training DVC will correctly resolve paths of logged metrics and artifacts.
  • Set bucket_name and s3_directory to save live metrics and artifacts in S3.
def train_func_per_worker(config: Dict):

    # [3] Set up Live object for DVCLive
    live = None
    if worker_rank == 0:

        # Initialize DVC Live
        from src.live import DVCLiveRayLogger as Live
        live = Live(
            bucket_name = "cse-cloud-version",
            s3_directory = "tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray/dvclive",

def train(params: dict) -> None:

    # Pull DVCLive logs from S3
    s3_directory = "tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray/dvclive"
    download_from_s3(bucket_name, s3_directory, 'results/dvclive/')

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • At every training epoch, live.next_step() pushes the results/dvclive directory to the S3 bucket.
  • After the training, use download_from_s3() to download DVCLive metrics to the results/dvclive/ in the DVC repository.

πŸš€Β Set Up and Run DVC in Distributed Ray Cluster

πŸ’‘ Note: Navigate to the cloud branch in the repository

This section of the tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up and run a DVC pipeline on a Ray cluster hosted on AWS. The integration of DVC with Ray on AWS allows for scaling machine learning workflows, leveraging cloud resources for distributed processing.

Goals for this section:

  • Guide you through the steps to set up and run the example on a Ray cluster hosted on AWS.
  • Explain specific solutions and best practices.

1 - Prepare AWS and DVC Studio credentials

This example uses a simple AWS access configuration. Prepare AWS credentials for use with Ray (or any other application that requires AWS access) and store them in a specific file (~/.aws/ray-credentials) on a local machine. In the next step, you’ll configure Ray to use this file.

For example, use the following CLI script to store AWS secrets to ~/.aws/ray-credentials:

echo "[default]
aws_access_key_id = ASIAU7...
aws_secret_access_key = Fdpgl...
aws_session_token = IQoJb3JpZ...
" > ~/.aws/ray-credentials

To track metrics with DVC Studio, Save yourΒ DVC Studio client access tokenΒ to a .dvc/config.local file. Git or DVC does not track this file. In the next step, you’ll configure Ray to use this file to provision the head and worker nodes.

dvc config --local studio.token isat_2BlrAu0aileSH...

2 - Configure Ray Cluster in cluster.yaml

To initiate a Ray cluster on AWS, you will use a configuration file named cluster.yaml, which outlines the specifications of your AWS setup, including instance types, the number of nodes, and other settings. The cluster.yaml is big and has a lot of comments. Let’s highlight only parts specific to the current solution design.

Set the cluster name and auto-scaling config

cluster_name: tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray
max_workers: 2
upscaling_speed: 1.0
  • In the Ray cluster configuration for the tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray cluster, the cluster_name specifies a unique identifier for the cluster, distinguishing it from other clusters you might be running. This name is used in managing and tracking the cluster's resources.

  • The max_workers setting defines the maximum number of worker nodes the cluster can scale up to in addition to the head node. It's set to 2 here, meaning the cluster can run up to two worker nodes concurrently to process tasks.

  • The upscaling_speed parameter controls how quickly the cluster can scale up by adding more worker nodes when there's an increase in load or tasks. Set at 1.0, the autoscaler can increase the cluster size by up to 100% of the currently running nodes at each scaling operation.

Set up the Docker image for the head and worker nodes

Using Docker enables you to run your distributed applications in a consistent and controlled environment, leveraging Docker's containerization to manage dependencies and system settings across all nodes seamlessly.

  image: 'rayproject/ray-ml@sha256:fa8c69ae055b92bf2f97e22c6a96ea835be60afa69c224d6e1275c3040833d0a'
  container_name: 'ray_container'
  pull_before_run: True
    - --ulimit nofile=65536:65536

This Ray cluster configuration segment specifies Docker settings for running tasks across all nodes:

  • image The Docker image used for containers on all nodes, identified by its SHA256 digest for consistency.
  • container_name The name for Docker containers, set as ray_container.

Cloud-provider configuration

This Ray cluster configuration outlines the setup for running distributed applications on AWS, specifying both cloud provider settings and instance configurations, including a unique approach for the head node.

  type: aws
  region: us-west-2
  availability_zone: us-west-2a,us-west-2b
  cache_stopped_nodes: True

    resources: { 'CPU': 0 }
      InstanceType: m5.2xlarge
        - DeviceName: /dev/sda1
            VolumeSize: 160
            VolumeType: gp3

    min_workers: 1
    max_workers: 2
    resources: {}
      InstanceType: m5.2xlarge
        MarketType: spot
        - DeviceName: /dev/sda1
            VolumeSize: 160
            VolumeType: gp3

This configuration establishes a robust and cost-efficient Ray cluster on AWS, leveraging both on-demand and spot instances for worker nodes to optimize costs and performance:

  • Head Node (ray.head.default): Configured to use m5.2xlar instances, with a custom block device mapping for increased EBS volume size (160 GB, gp3 type). Interestingly, the resources for the head node are set to {"C": 0}, indicating it should not be used for computation-intensive tasks, focusing instead on cluster management and coordination.
  • Worker Nodes (ray.worker.default): Also set to use m5.2xlar instances with similar storage configurations as a default. Worker nodes can run on spot instances to reduce costs, and their CPU and GPU resources are auto-detected, allowing them to be allocated for computational tasks. The configuration supports scaling between 1 and 2 worker nodes dynamically.
  • Setting {CPU: 0} for the head node is a strategic choice to ensure it does not run compute-intensive tasks. The head node manages the cluster's operations, including task scheduling and resource allocation.

Files or directories to copy to the head and worker nodes

The file_mounts configuration facilitates the replication of a consistent working environment across the cluster by ensuring all nodes have the necessary code, configurations, and credentials. This setup supports seamless distributed execution of tasks, including data processing, training machine learning models, and interacting with cloud services.

    '/home/ray/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray': '.',
    '/home/ray/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray/.dvc/config.local': './.dvc/config.local',
    '/home/ray/.aws/credentials': '~/.aws/ray-credentials'

  - '.gitignore'
  • /home/ray/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray: This entry maps the current local directory (denoted by ".") the remote directory /home/ray/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray on both the head and worker nodes. It's useful for transferring the entire project (including .git directory), which includes code, scripts, and potentially small data files or configuration files that are necessary for the execution of the pipeline.
  • /home/ray/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray/.dvc/config.local: This entry indicates that the local DVC configuration file, .dvc/conf.local, should be explicitly copied to the corresponding path on the remote nodes. This file includes an access token for DVC Studio and is thus excluded from Git tracking as a security measure. Given that the rsync_filter patterns employed in the configuration are designed to omit all Git-ignored files β€” encompassing both data files and the DVC cache β€” it becomes necessary to list the config.loc file explicitly. This step ensures the file is transferred despite the filter, thereby maintaining access to DVC Studio across all nodes in the cluster.
  • /home/ray/.aws/credentials: This maps a custom AWS credentials file from the local machine (~/.aws/ray-credentials) to the standard AWS credentials path (/home/ray/.aws/credentials) on the remote nodes. This setup is essential for enabling AWS SDKs and CLI tools running on the remote nodes to authenticate with AWS services using the provided credentials.

πŸ’‘ Note: This example uses the simplified approach to configure access to AWS resources and DVC Studio. For the production setup, it's crucial to:

  • Ensure that sensitive information, especially credentials, is handled securely. Use IAM roles for EC2 instances where possible to avoid copying AWS credentials.
  • Minimize the size of transferred directories to speed up the cluster initialization process. Consider excluding large datasets or output directories if they're not needed on every node or can be accessed from a shared storage service like Amazon S3.

Additional commands to set up nodes

The setup_commands section in the Ray cluster configuration outlines a series of shell commands executed on all nodes (both head and worker nodes) during their initialization phase. These commands are crucial for preparing the nodes with your application's necessary software and libraries.

  - pip install -U ray[default]
  - pip install dvc[s3]==3.43.1 dvclive==3.41.1
  - pip install -U pyOpenSSL==24.0.0

Here’s a breakdown:

  • pip insta dvc[s3]==3.43.1 dvclive==3.41.1**: Installs specific versions of DVC (Data Version Control) with S3 support and DVCLive. Specifying versions ensures consistency in running the tutorial example.
  • pip insta -U pyOpenSSL==24.0.0: Updates the pyOpenSSL library to a specific version after the DVC installation. This is a specific requirement for this example to ensure the consistency of the Python dependencies.

3 - Start a Ray Cluster on AWS

Run the following command to start your Ray cluster as defined in your cluster.yaml file:

ray up cluster.yaml

You can access the Ray dashboard once your Ray cluster is running. This dashboard provides a real-time view of your cluster's status, including resource utilization, task progress, and logs.

To open the Ray dashboard, use:

ray dashboard cluster.yaml

Ray Dashboard Ray Dashboard

4 - Connect to the Head Node and Set Up Credentials

Once your Ray cluster is provisioned and all nodes are correctly set up with the necessary software, the next step involves connecting to the head node to configure access credentials for GitHub, Amazon S3, and other services like DVC Studio. These credentials are essential for version control, data storage, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes.

Connecting to the Cluster

To initiate a secure connection to the head node of your Ray cluster, use the following command. This command utilizes the cluster configuration defined in cluster.yaml, providing you with a terminal session on the head node:

# Connect to cluster
ray attach cluster.yaml

Setting Up Git Credentials

Once connected to the head node, configure Git with your username and email to enable commits to your repositories. Additionally, an access token can be set up for GitHub to securely push and pull without using a password. Replace <your_username> with your GitHub username and <your_email> with your email associated with GitHub, and <your_github_pat> with your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT).

git config --global user.name "<your_username>"
git config --global user.email "<your_email>"
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_github_pat>

Use the access token to update the repository's remote URL for authentication. This step assumes you have cloned the repository and are inside the repository directory.

git remote set-url origin https://your_username:${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}@github.com/your_username/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray.git

Run tests to check the correct setup

Run a few test scripts to ensure AWS credentials are correctly set up on the cluster for accessing S3 services.

python src/test_scripts/test_s3.py

The example scripts are inside the ~/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray directory

5 - Run DVC Pipelines on the remote Ray Cluster

Navigate to the tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray directory and run a new experiment

dvc exp run -f

This will start the pipeline, running the tune and train stages as defined in your dvc.yaml file, utilizing distributed computation with Ray.

You may see live updates of metrics and plots in DVC Studio.

Live Metrics Tracking with DVC Studio Live Metrics Tracking with DVC Studio

This setup with DVC and DVCLive offers a structured approach to monitoring model performance through metrics tracking and visualization. It aids in understanding the model's behavior over training, facilitating decisions on model adjustments or improvements. Moreover, after the experiment is complete, you may change the plot template, add new plots, or customize the existing ones to suit your specific requirements if needed.

6 - Commit & push experiments

Once you've completed an experiment and are ready to share or preserve the results, DVC provides a seamless workflow to list, select, and commit the outcomes of your experiments. Here’s how to manage and share your experiment results using DVC and Git.

Use dvc exp show to get an overview of all experiments, including their metrics and parameters.

(base) ray@ip-172-31-41-217:~/tutorial-mnist-dvc-ray$ dvc exp show
  Experiment                 Created       loss   accuracy   step   tune.run_tune   tune.epoch_size   tune.test_size   tune.results_dir>
  workspace                  -          0.38723     0.8602      4   True            512               256              results/tune    >
  cloud-remote               02:17 PM    0.3951     0.8542      4   True            512               256              results/tune    >
  β”œβ”€β”€ dbcdc38 [broad-teas]   06:22 AM   0.38723     0.8602      4   True            512               256              results/tune    >
  └── 11e273e [metal-sick]   06:21 AM    0.3951     0.8542      4   True            512               256              results/tune    >

After identifying the successful experiment (e.g., broad-teas), you can use DVC to create a new branch for this experiment, facilitating version control and collaboration.

dvc exp branch broad-tea

Next, push the newly created branch to your remote Git repository and upload artifacts to the DVC remote storage.

git checkout broad-teas-branch
git push origin broad-teas-branch
dvc push

7 - Stop Cluster

Turn off the remote cluster when not in use to save money and reduce environmental impact!

ray down cluster.yaml

🎨 Summing Up: DVC + Ray Integration

The DVC + Ray integration presents a comprehensive solution to the challenges of running machine learning experiments at scale. By addressing specific issues related to auto-scaling, execution optimization, live metrics tracking, and data synchronization, this setup ensures that machine learning teams can focus on innovation and experimentation backed by a robust, scalable, and efficient infrastructure.

Integrating DVC with Ray combines the best data management and distributed computing for machine learning projects. Here's a simplified overview of what we covered:

  1. Setup Ray Cluster: Configured a Ray cluster to run on AWS, utilizing Docker for consistent environments and specifying node types for resource optimization.
  2. Node Provisioning: Automated the setup of head and worker nodes for a scalable ML experiment environment.
  3. Artifact Sync: Ensured DVC pipeline artifacts were synchronized across the cluster, keeping data and models consistent.
  4. Manage Experiments with DVC Studio: Demonstrated how to use DVC, DVCLive, and DVC Studio for metrics tracking, artifacts versioning, and experiment management.
  5. Commit and Share Results: Highlighted the process of committing experiment results and pushing them to a repository for collaboration and reproducibility.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scalability: Ray and AWS offer a flexible and scalable setup for ML experiments.
  • Reproducibility: DVC adds data version control, enhancing experiment reproducibility.
  • Automation: The integration shows how to automate the ML workflow, from setup to experiment tracking.
  • Collaboration: Using Git and DVC supports effective team collaboration on ML projects.

πŸ’‘ Did you find this tutorial interesting? Please leave your comments and share your experience with DVC and Ray! Join us on Discord πŸ™Œ


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